/ai powered predictions

We help you along the whole value chain: From raw data to trained AI


The adoption of AI in engineering design evaluations has a profound impact on the work of engineering designers, transforming their roles and enhancing their capabilities.

/revolutionizing engineering

AI's Profound Impact on Designers and Organizations

The impact on engineering teams extends to the whole organization, directly affecting market share and environmental footprint. You can now confidently predict the performance of your designs, optimize critical parameters, and make informed decisions, all while drastically reducing the time and effort required.

Keyward AI Impact

Engineering Teams

Engineering teams struggle to get sufficient product designs evaluated under time pressure. Key Ward software cuts down the energy- and labor-intensive design evaluation cycle by half, thereby allowing teams to iterate more designs in less time without jeopardizing quality.

Engineering Teams Keyward

Time to Market

Lengthy, archaic design evaluation techniques pose a market share risk. AI is key to predicting performance of product designs 10,000x faster and under complex divergent conditions. Without hindering time to market, more tests are undertaken and better performing products released.

Time to Market Keyward


It’s not only the energy saved in design processes, Key Ward software guides engineering designers towards implementing more sustainable products by affecting them at an early stage. 80% of all product-related environmental impacts are determined during the design phase.

Enviroment Impact Keyward

Discover deeper insights with our curated case studies and white paper list.

Learn more about how Key Ward’s software suite can enhance your product design testing at a fraction of the time and cost.

  • /energy
  • /engineering teams
  • /time to market
  • 50%
  • 60%
  • 1/2
  • /energy
  • /engineering teams
  • /time to market
  • 300 MW/hr Energy used by a wind tunnel + 200 Billion CPU core hrs/yr by physical simulations

    AI reduces physics simulations by 10,000x, with 65x lower cost and 58x less energy.

  • Millions of datapoints exchanged across departments

    Analysis & collaboration reduces 60% of post processing & documentation.

  • Up to 3 years per product development project

    Cutting down design evaluation cycles by 93% halves your time to market.


The only end-to-end engineering solution for 3D data.
Minimize the risk of AI adoption and go from data to design in record time.

Skip the need for data science experience and do it yourself with our unique platform. Empower your team to innovate faster and make data-driven decisions for greater project success.

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